New to Yoga?

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  • I am not flexible, can I do Yoga?

    Just like strength, flexibility comes with time and practice. You do not need to be flexible when you start yoga. Over time, the regular and consistent practice of yoga will instill a balance between both strength and flexibility. Flexibility isn’t just about how far you can stretch your body; it’s also about the flexibility of your mind and your ability to choose how you react to the world around you. The next time you’re on your mat, think about how you can do a pose differently, rather than your lack of physical flexibility.

  • Am I too old to practice yoga?

    No one is too old to practice yoga. There have been people who practice yoga and start at all ages and process of varying degrees of proficiency. The key to practicing yoga is not age, but rather an open mind and heart.

  • Is yoga a form of physical exercise?

    Yes, yoga is a comprehensive form of physical exercise, yet while fitness is an important aspect of yoga, it is not the only benefit you gain from regular practice. It goes way beyond the physical level. FYI one hour of yoga includes both cardiovascular, strength training, weight bearing, endurance, aerobic, and core-based exercises.

  • Is Yoga a Religion?

    Yoga is not a religion but a philosophy that teaches awareness and connection. It is a science of deep personal transformation based on the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, It uses a special type of physical movement and breathing exercises as an entry to a healthy, strong and flexible body, a balanced lifestyle, an open heart and a clear, calm mind. The word yoga means to yoke or unify and through regular practice, dedicated students begin to experience the benefits of a unified state of consciousness, peace of mind and health and well-being.

  • What should I wear?

    Be comfortable, wear appropriate yoga clothes that let you move freely; Sports bra and tank top, long or cropped leggings preferably, to keep you comfortable so that you can focus on your practice. Please bear in mind that you will sweat and move in a dynamic way and that overly baggy clothing is not advisable; no shoes.

  • Why Yoga Shala?

    More than a yoga studio we are a School of Yoga. We believe in the tradition of passing down true, deeply rooted knowledge and experience directly from the teachers that created the lineage (Parampara). Our teachers are dedicated students themselves and are constantly looking to deepen and continue their studies. You'll experience and become a part of a community of dedicated loving teachers and practitioners. The support of a community is very important during this journey.

Membership or Class Packages questions:

  • Can I pause or cancel my membership? What are the steps?
    Please follow this link for instructions.
  • Do my class package expire?
    Yes, you can find the expiration date on your receipt at the time of purchase. Download our free app to keep track of your classes, purchase more, view our schedule and get notifications! 10 class passes are good for 6 months and 5 passes are good for 3 months. They activate on the date of your first visit after purchase. No extensions will be granted. Only for true emergencies or special circumstances, please email or send a message immediately through our website, please DON’T WAIT until your package is expired! Once it's expired no extensions will be granted.

Thank you for your understanding!

We offer a variety of classes to slowly and mindfully, help you build confidence and progressively understand the practice with the necessary modifications and explanations.The best part about yoga is that it truly is for every body. You can start where you are, and progress in your journey from that starting point.

Look out for our beginner workshops where we break down each posture slowly and receive personalized instruction. It is a great opportunity for beginner students to ask questions, learn correct alignment, the use of breath and the explore modifications.

If you have never before been to a yoga class and prefer to start slow, we recommend you start with Ashtanga for Beginners, Yin Yoga or Ashtanga Intro class depending on your fitness level. From there you can move on to our Ashtanga Half Primary, a more dynamic, faster paced class yet beginner friendly and accessible.
  • Level 0-1 Trying Yoga for the first time. Everyone is welcome! Ages 13 & up, all sizes and body types.
  • Level 1 Have attended a couple of yoga classes and can follow and move through the Sun Salutations.
  • Level 2 Feel comfortable synchronizing your breath & movement and can follow the sequence up to some of the seated postures. Work on backbending and through the closing sequence & build up to headstand.
  • Level 3 Can comfortably move through the Ashtanga Primary Series and closing sequence including backbends & headstand.
  • Level 4 Practicing at least 3 years, proficient with Ashtanga Primary Series and familiar with Intermediate.

Please read our Yoga Ettiquete for more info on how to prepare for your first yoga class. Namaste!