Contract Pause or Cancellation

When you purchase one of our memberships you enter a 3 month contract that will automatically renew every month after that.

What does this mean?
It means you agree to pay your membership dues for 3 months.

I'm leaving town for over a month and I want to pause my membership
We will be happy to pause your account until you come back if your membership has been active for 3 months and your account is current. Please let us know the date we can reactivate your account.

I want to cancel my membership
We will be sad to see you go! Maybe you'd like to switch to a class package?
To cancel your membership your account must be current with no past due balance and must have been active for 3 months before being eligible for cancellation.
There is a $50 penalty fee for early termination of contract.
We must receive cancellation notice at least 15 days before the end of the last billing month.
If you meet this criteria and are sure you want to cancel please fill out the following form:
